Friday, August 7, 2009

filling space

Things i'd like to say to certain people:
Your cleavage bothers me.
Stop texting me these things.
I wish I had your phone number, but it's best I don't.
You had such potential as a friend.
Those jeans belong in the trash.
Your attitude sucks.
I can see why everyone falls in love with you, but consider me fallen out.
You're not as funny as you think you are.
You're so much funnier than you think you are.
You need help.
I wish you needed my help.
Can I go shopping yet?

Popular things I just don't appreciate:
Paula Abdul
Miley Cyrus (but I did like that one song...don't ask me to sing it)
Lady Gaga's whole schtick
98% of country music (the storytelling. it's just so...literal)
blue tooth
Law & Order (it jerks around the same way every episode...formulaic...can always tell who did it - just look for the person they slip into the story that seems to hold no real importance)
Apple computers
high heels (at least on me)
cats as pets (SO ANTISOCIAL. except in the obscenely early hours when you least want to hear from them. and totally unappreciative. no sense of loyalty. oh lordy i'm gonna get shit for this one.)
dogs as pets (WHATT???? gabby! shocking, i know. I'm just sooooo loving life without that responsibility. it's like having grandkids when i see other peoples' dogs...all the lovin' i can stand, none of the take-home)
men's cologne (hate. just...hate.)

what don't you appreciate?

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