Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I promise it's not cocaine

Some things about nearly-2-year-olds (most of which I doubt will change...ever?):

They like candy and will do anything for it, including shut the freak up already at a restaurant.
You can't ask them to get their shoes unless you are absolutely ready to go, or they will drive you nuts.

You can't do ANYTHING without them under foot.

No matter how many times they are careful in front of you, they seem to forget when not in sight.

Though they used to eat anything you put in front of them, suddenly they like mac n' cheese, cheese pizza, mac n' cheese, and cheese pizza. Anything with cheese, basically, including an entire container of strawberry cream cheese if left unattended. Do not plan on them eating one bite of three-course meal you slaved over.

They like water. Water, water, WATER! Ohmygod ohmygod MUST TOUCH THE WATER AND KEEP TOUCHING UNTIL SOAKED.

Mmmmmedicine! Like candy!

Genitalia is very interesting...and not just their own.

They will taste things just to test you, even if it's disgusting.

They won't help you find your keys, so don't bother asking.

They will find a two-week-old french fry in the backseat of the car, eat it, and choke on it.

They exhibit no fear. None at all. They leave that to the parents.

Falling down only hurts when you are around.

A simple "no" sounds to them like "NO! NO WAY! You are a bad child and I'll never let you do anything again!"

They are absolutely adorable and make up for everything with slobbery kisses.

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